Sunday, February 25, 2007

Roofs and walls

The next big task is one that was a condition of us getting this plot. We were told we could have it but we had to get the fence sorted asap. The fence had blown down in the high winds in January and it has been lying on the ground ever since and, given that most people have to walk Plot 60 on the way in, is making the place look a mess.

The fence is no problem really, all the posts are still in but the fence is quite tall and wibbly so it has just wrenched itself of the posts in the wind. It should be the work of half an hour to screw it back to the posts, but I have a feeling that it will be a regular job after every bout of bad weather. However we are thinking of rearranging where the gate is, at the moment it is a corner one at the top of the plot but we want to move it next to the shed. Fortunately among the free gifts left by the previous plot-holder were two tallish fence posts and a wire mesh and stainless steel panel. It has something growing up it at the moment, but I'm going to disentangle it and turn it in to a gate.

So today is fence day, but also roof day for the shed. We really should re-felt it, but given that it is still wet at the moment, we are just going to go for a short term solution until the weather improves and we can dry out the whole roof a bit. We have some damp proof membrane, which is big enough to cover the whole roof in one piece, so that will be going up and getting nailed in place. Once we get up a ladder and have a look at the roof we can decide whether we will take off the felt before doing that, or just stick it on over the top.

And I thought we had enough DIY to do at home!

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