Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Back after another break

I know, it is all holidays with us.

This time our friend L came into water and harvest for us, she more usually resides in London and has her name down on a very long list there, so this was an opportunity to pretend she had an allotment of her own.

Most stuff seemed good when we got back, apart from the courgette and the beans. All the courgette's leaves had gone brown and flopped over (the squash was similar) and the leaves of the bean plants (way over the other side of the allotment) were floppy and brown too. I've taken all the leaves off the courgette as the rest of the plant still seems healthy, but I'm not sure what to do about the beans, they are only small plants and if I remove the brown leaves there won't be much left.

It has been wet so I don't know if it is some kind of rot. Any ideas as to what is going on, and how to deal with it, welcomed.


Pepette said...

I've got the same and I'm pretty sure it's frost as we had a couple of really cold nights last week.
Not sure what it means for the rest of the plant, I guess time will tell! Another lesson to be learnt...

urbanbumpkin said...

That makes sense. I guess last night will have had another go then, as there was frost on the cars outside this morning.

I will have to get the fleece out.

Pepette said...

Yes ... Came to the same conclusion!