Friday, August 31, 2007

Back after the break

After a lovely holiday in the Netherlands we came back to find our plot in good health. A kindly neighbouring plot holder had been roped in to water (and eat) the tomatoes and they were all doing very well.

Many things have sprung into life or attained monster proportions. Peas and bean plants are getting to a good size, one of the courgettes is well on the way to becoming a marrow, several of the lean-house™ tomatoes are a good size, and the cucumber had run away with itself and has become enough for a whole meal rather than an addition to salad.

Some huckleberries have also ripened and flowers are starting to appear on the squash.

And . . . we have some leaves appearing on the 'christmas' potatoes.

potatoes in bags
The seeds I put in for turnips, radish, spring onions, and beetroot have come through as well, I just hope the weather will be good enough for them to grow to a decent enough size. The radishes should be quick enough.

spring onion
The seeds in the greenhouse are doing well too, the rainbow chard is looking pretty already.

rainbow chard


Anonymous said...

I am sooo envious of your toms,i had to dig all mine up they all died on me. Ah well theres always next year :)

urbanbumpkin said...

Oh, that is a shame about your tomatoes. I think I've been quite lucky with ours, no one seems to be doing very well this year.

I was reading about your blight/not blight confusion. There are plenty of things that look nasty and I thought our potatoes had blight for a while, but I'm fairly sure they don't now. Here's hoping for a drier year next year (but not too dry!).