Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Strawberries and Heatstores

The tomatoes seem to be doing well in the lean-house™ , quite a few flowering and some have some fruit too.
Also in there now are some strawberry runners which we have potted up. We have left some to just root themselves in the existing patch but we want to have another patch as well, so nine have come out to get moved later in the year when the bed becomes free.

As you can see they are sat on bricks. We have added these as a drainage aid and heatstore to the lean-house™. We had to dig a trench to put the back wall in (to get it level and to get the right slope on the roof) this has been filling with water a bit so we have moved some of the rubble that is on the plot into it. This means we can then sit plants on top of this without them having to get soggy bottoms. Hopefully this will act as a heat store too, and keep the night-time temperature up later in the year.

We haven't put the ends on yet, but the temperature is still pretty god so we are going to leave it for a while.

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