Monday, January 21, 2008

no-meeting meeting

We had our allotment AGM the other day, but unfortunately there weren't enough people there to hold it formally (we needed over half of all the plots represented). However whilst quite a few of us were there we decided to have an informal chat about various things: the workdays we had last year, the bank balance, security (as always), plans for attracting some cash, help and materials, and the progress with the community garden which is in the process of being created on the eastern edge of our site.

So, it turned out to be a pretty good and informative meeting in the end. Especially good for us, as we hadn't been to one before as we got our plot in Feb last year.

I have volunteered to be on the committee too as they were looking for some new faces, and someone else has done too, so hopefully a bit of new blood will keep the energy levels up. I'm looking forward to helping out - the work days were good fun last year, and I'm sure we can build on them this year.

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