Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tomato-tastic II

The 8 tomato seedlings have been transferred now; 4 to a smallish terracotta pot. I'm hoping to keep them in these until they are big enough to get moved to their final pots, probably in April.

I planted them quite deep, as they had got quite leggy. They seem to be doing OK so far. I kept them in the heated propagator for the first day and night, and then moved them out of it this morning.

Here's hoping for good strong plants this year.


Tira said...

Good luck for great tomato harvest.
I transplanted mine this week-they take only 5-6 weeks from seed to transplant here.
That pot look too small to grow seedlings for 2 month plus, I think.

urbanbumpkin said...

I'm not too sure about that given how slow they grow here!

I'm only anticipating them getting to 15cm (6 inches) high by that time, if that.

I grew 3 or 4 in those pots last year until I transplanted them to their big pots.

Anonymous said...

OK, Here they'd be at least 4 feet!

Matron said...

It's a tricky thing starting tomatoes early in a heated propagator, they do get leggy and brittle if there isn't enough light. I tend to give them heat to germinate and then cool them down a little.