Friday, February 01, 2008


We had a look at our home compost heap today, as it needed a tidy around it, and it seems to be doing quite well. We just have one of the subsidised 'council' bins. You can check with Recycle Now by putting in your postcode to see if there is a deal via your local council.

We have been throwing in all our 'fresh' kitchen waste, shredded bills/receipts, sometimes our cat's paper based litter, and a minimal amount of cuttings and weeds from our small garden.

The big issue will be what we do with it once it is done. Our garden in too small to use it (and mostly paved) so we will have to work out a transport system to get it to the allotment. Could be an interesting day!


Shirley said...

Hi there :-)

I have never been successful with making compost but I received an email from someone who is very passionate about it :-D

You might be interested in how valuable compost is as a winter mulch :-D

urbanbumpkin said...

Thanks Shirl!

That made interesting reading!