Saturday, February 02, 2008

Jerusalem Artichokes

In a lovely bit of serendipity my first batch of 'seed' Jerusalem Artichokes arrived today, and Hugh Fearnley-Whitinstall featured some lovely recipes for this knobly veg in today's Guardian.

I know it will be a year before I will be able to use them, but it pleased me that they both came to my attention on the same day. I'm going to pdf them and save them.

We are going to try and get them into the ground tomorrow, but if they ground is too hard the (good and clear Organic Gardening Catalogue) planting instructions say that we should store them in damp soil until we can. So either way it is a trip to the plot.

We have another box to come (I confused myself when ordering!) so we are going to do a swap with another friend for something else. I'm hoping he has squash seeds.


Linda said...

I have jerusalem artichokes inmy garden and I'm constantly digging them and giving them away. Once yours get established you will have lots.

urbanbumpkin said...

Yeah, we have designated a separate bed from the rest of the veg for them. We had been told to put them somewhere where the rogue ones coming back the next year wouldn't become a problem!

It will be so nice to have a big winter harvest!