Tuesday, February 26, 2008

tomato farm

I now have a veritable forest of tomatoes and other heat loving things on my kitchen windowsill.

5 types of tomatoes, 1 type of chilli, 1 type of pepper, 1 kind of aubergine. Plus some pansies, busy lizzies, lobelia.

Next will be squashes, gerbera, pinks, and marigolds.

I'm aiming for a bed fiull of flowers and a greenhouse full of tomatoes.


Pepette said...

Your kitchen windowsill looks like my spare room windowsill :)

Actually I think our windowsills probably look like any allotmenteer's windowsill at the moment !!!

urbanbumpkin said...

It is that time of year isn't it?

I'm looking forward to when it is warm enough to take them to the plot.

Matron said...

It's exciting isn't it. I keep looking through the seed catalogues and wonder if I can just fit in one more variety of tomato in my already full greenhouse! Maybe next year. I gave up on aubergines though, I grew them every year, they took 10 months of hard work and I don't really like them anyway!

Tira said...

Good luck in your veggie and flower growing endeavors-its always exciting to see those seedlings-isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Well said.