Monday, February 04, 2008

Long Purple Bolivian Robin Maker

Or something like that!

I've been enjoying seed variety names today. I put 2 types of tomato, 1 sweet pepper, 1 chilli, and 1 aubergine into the heated propagator today and was luxuriating in the marvellous sounding titles. I think Purple Calabash is my favourite, but Red Robin comes a close second as it just seems so descriptive of the lovely little bushy plants of cherry tomatoes that it will produce - perky and cheeky!

On a grey day like today the exotic, warm sounding names were giving me a lot of joy. However as well as the Doux Long des Landes, and Bolivian Rainbow their was one name that is recognisable, steady and traditional sounding.

Exerting a calming influence the reliable Aubergine Money Maker will keep the rest of these flighty numbers in line!

1 comment:

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

LOL, you are right, on days like today we need something to cheer us up. The tomato Purple Cherokee is one of my favourites both in the taste and name department. ;-)