more growing, less typing
I've been neglecting this blog, so my apologies.
However, you will be pleased to know that I haven't been doing quite so badly on the allotment. It is still a running battle between us and the weeds, but we are winning in enough areas to have some decent crops going on.
So, a catch up post. In May things just kept on growing. I was away on Skye for a while, but everything survived my absence. The summer squash and courgettes went into the beds, the salad started filling out the bath and the peas and beans grew like crazy.
In June this first bit of June we have got our scarlet kale in, potted up our peppers and chillis to bigger pots, saw the Jerusalem artichokes shoot up, and loads of fruit and flowers appear.The tomatoes have started to flower, the vintage wine and red robins are furthest along: the biggest and smallest fruit.
And the sweet peas have been planted to grow up the old metal frame we put in our flower 'meadow'.
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