Saturday, May 19, 2007

Work Day

On 13th May we had a communal Work Day at the allotment to get some work done on paths and hedges. We also had a BBQ, which we volunteered to get going and man.

The main job was cutting down the large hedge on the outside edge of the site, it was filling the whole pavement and there had been complaints from people who lived nearby, so that was the aim. We gathered at 1pm and got going with one person on a Lidl scaffold platform with a petrol powered hedge trimmer and the rest of us with brushes and wheelbarrows ferrying the, considerable amount of, waste to the compost heap. Others got on with strimming grass on the paths and painting fences. With about 20 of us it all got done quite quickly, we stopped at 3pm for the BBQ. I had made mushroom, mustard beef, and spicy beef kebabs - peppers, red onion, small mushrooms on all of them and then one lot with beef marinaded in oil, lemon juice, mustard, chili flakes and honey, one lot with large flat mushrooms marinaded in the same kind of mixture, and beef ones marinaded in yoghurt and curry paste. Mmmmmmm. Plus pitta bread and salad out of the Bath o' Salad™ .

Other people brought loads of stuff too, so it was a marvelous social feast - we even had a little generator so we could run some powered speakers and our iPod. Apparently they tried a day like this last year and hardly anyone turned up, so the allotment committee were thrilled with how it went. It was good to meet people and we now know a few more faces.

And the neighbours can walk down the pavement now too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job you had your BBQ on a sunny Sat, had it been yesterday it would have been damp!

How lovely to have met your fellow allotmenters.