Tuesday, May 01, 2007


So, is this my parsley?

It is coming up where my parsley seeds went in, but so were quite a lot of round leafed seedlings too. I pulled out the round leafed ones and left these. Please someone tell me I've done it the right way round?

These are planted in the bath o' salad ™ which is doing really well. It was on the plot when we got it, we drilled a few holes in the bottom to help it drain and then half sank it into the ground. It has cut and come again spicy salad leaves and some small parmex carrots.


Anonymous said...

I am loving the "bath o'salad"!

urbanbumpkin said...

It is a thing of wonder and joy Tokey! Baths are apparently good for carrots to confuse the low flying carrot flies, and so far it seems to have foxed the slugs too.

urbanbumpkin said...

We have spare taps in the cupboard, so we plant to add them - for decorative effect only.

Probably only decoratively anyway.

Anonymous said...

The Bath of Salad is so cool! It's way ahead of my little window boxes - cut and come again salad tastes amazing, so much better than the stuff in the shops.